The Vision – What we aspire to be.
Little Dragon's Day Nursery is an inspirational Early Years Setting where all children are happy and flourish. We encourage and develop lively, enquiring minds and children ascertain a zest for life-long learning.
Mission Statement – how we are going to achieve the vision.
At Little Dragon’s Day Nursery, we want to fulfil every child’s innate desire to explore and learn by enriching their early years experiences. Little Dragon’s will provide a truly ‘child-focused’ enabling environment that ensures all children are fully immersed in high-quality, purposeful play (after all, a child's play is seriously important business!) and are therefore happy, learning and developing at all times. The Little Dragon's Day Nursery Team are highly-qualified and have an excellent understanding of child development. We are nurturing, caring and passionate about what we do. We invest time in getting to know each and every child ‘inside out’ to ensure that secure bonds are formed and daily interactions are tailored to support the children on their unique learning journeys. Through the adventures of Little Dragon's Day Nursery, every child will have a happy and fulfilled nursery experience.
Our Values
Happiness , Well Being & Our Philosophy At Little Dragon’s Day Nursery, the happiness and well-being of the children in our care is our absolute priority especially since without this a child cannot begin to learn. When a child feels emotionally safe and secure, they are able to fulfil their innate desire to learn by exploring and engaging with their learning environment. Little Dragon’s Day Nursery is a safe and engaging space where the children in our care very quickly feel emotionally secure. We believe that caring and responsive adults are an essential ingredient in helping children achieve this emotional security and key to them developing and thriving at nursery. Little Dragon’s fosters a thorough induction period whereby practitioner and parents work together to ensure the child feels safe, secure and content as quickly as possible. Once a child is settled and feels secure and trusts the adults, then his/her innate desire to learn can emerge. We pride ourselves in employing highly-skilled individuals who have a genuine passion for work with children and invest the time in getting to know the children inside out as unique individuals. Our staff interact with the children as they play and tailor their response to the particular child, in the particular situation and that particular moment. They listen, watch and wait, observing what they see and hear, and assess how/if to proceed. They are able to spot the unique ‘teachable moments’ and act on them immediately by: “communicating and modelling language, showing, explaining, demonstrating, exploring ideas, encouraging, questioning, recalling, providing narrative for what they are doing, facilitating and setting challenges.” (Ofsted definition of teaching in the Early Years). This process of observing, assessing, planning and teaching is repeated hundreds of times a day and in turn the progress of the children over time is outstanding.
Through our approach, you will see happy, engaged children ‘playing’ (the most powerful vehicle for learning with young children) in a superb enabling environment, supported by skilful, enthusiastic staff – staff who are free to respond to learning opportunities as they happen. Our nursery is their learning ‘workshop’ and they are given the autonomy to play and explore within it. As a result of this, the children very quickly become engaged and purposeful in their play, demonstrating skills such as concentration, creativity, energy, resilience, independence and persistence – all the signals of Level 5 involvement which tell us a child’s brain is ‘lit up’ and therefore they are learning and making progress. Our aim is to equip our children with the lifelong skills required for them to develop both physically and emotionally throughout their learning journey. At Little Dragon’s Day Nursery, we allow children to be children and have a happy, fulfilled early years experience. |
Safety The safety of the children in our care is of paramount importance and we ensure that we stringently adhere to the ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ guidance. We believe in the benefits of ‘risky play’ and actively encourage the children in our care to make informed choices and take ‘calculated’ risks that support growth and development and keep them safe from unreasonable risk and injury. Risky play provides children with opportunities for challenge, testing limits, exploring boundaries and learning about injury risk. By providing children with opportunities to participate in risky and challenging play in a safe learning environment, we provide opportunity for the development of important life skill learnings such as making choices, problem solving, measured risk taking, and navigating their way socially and emotionally in group situations. These skills will be important right through life. Everyday life is full of risks and challenges and children need opportunities to develop the skills associated with managing their own risks and making informed judgements about risks from a very young age. |
Aspiration We are always striving for excellence and in search of ways to be even better in all that we do. We will not settle for mediocre – we are constantly evolving and looking for opportunities for improvement. |
Respect, Diversity & Citizenship Showing respect for each other is the basis of the good relationships and attachments that are so fundamentally important to a child’s healthy development. Mutual respect and tolerance is about accepting another person’s beliefs, values and heritage. All children are actively learning about and making sense of the world they live in. Children in the UK are being raised in a society with many sources of cultural diversity. Good early years practice needs to support equality from the earliest months of babyhood. We believe it takes people with different ideas, strengths, interests and cultural backgrounds to help build a child’s knowledge of the world around them. The EYFS states that children should learn to develop a ‘positive sense of themselves’. This emphasises the development of young children’s own sense of identity and a positive sense of pride in their own family origins. Starting with themselves, young children can develop a sense of belonging to the local community and begin to understand and respect less familiar cultures. As a setting, we support this personal development and respond to a child’s uniqueness whilst ensuring they have experience of the similarities between themselves and others too. We hope to help raise a generation of children who are good role models, responsible citizens and make positive contributions to society. |
Growth mindset We believe that challenges are opportunities to grow. Having a growth mindset creates a passion for learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. The children in our care are empowered to ‘have a go’. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new! Nothing is impossible. Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance. Don’t worry about failure. Worry about the chances you may miss when you don’t even try. We acknowledge failure as an important aspect of learning. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to greater success. After all, how many times does a learning toddler fall before they master the art of walking? |
Integrity We are what is says on the tin! We are honest, open, ethical and fair. You can trust us. |
Passion We find early childhood development extremely fascinating at Little Dragon’s Day Nursery, and we disseminate this passion in all that we do to enrich the early years experiences of the children whom we care for. We energise, engage and inspire everyone who walks through our doors, children and adults alike! |
Team-work & Collaboration Happy parents + Happy Practitioners = Happy children. We believe in the importance of good communication and adopt an ‘open door’ policy for both parents and our practitioners. |
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